Mental health or psychiatric conditions are common. Many times, they run in families. Some of the most common mental health conditions (disorders), such as depression or anxiety, affect the way we think, feel and behave. There are more than 200 types of mental illnesses. Symptoms of mental health disorders usually improve with treatment, which may include medication, psychotherapy, alternative therapies or brain stimulation therapy.
Major categorisation of Mental health disorders include; Neuro-development Disorders, Bipolar and related disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Trauma and Stress-related Disorders, Dissociative Disorders, Somatic symptom disorders, Feeding and eating disorders, sleep-wake disorders, Disruptive, Impulse control and Conduct Disorders, Depressive disorders, substance use and addictive disorders, Neurocognition disorders, schizophrenia spectrum and other Psychotic disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, Personality Disorders. These illnesses and others like them interfere with your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.
No one person is entirely similar to another; even Identical twins differ, and thus mental illness manifests differently in different people. There are several conditions and the severity of the conditions; therefore, we advise that you or your loved ones seek an assessment from Our Psychiatrists for proper diagnosis and care. You deserve a personalised, meticulously crafted care plan. At Prince Jim Shepherd Nadiope Foundation, using the bio-psychosocial model Combine medical interventions, psycho-education, symptom management, occupational therapy, and psycho-therapy, among other interventions, to start you on a firm journey of holistic healing. It’s what we’re known for, creating sturdy foundations for you to build upon. Learning you have a mental health condition can be upsetting. But there is hope. There are a variety of treatments available for mental health conditions. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.